How to automate CI/CD using Microsoft Azure DevOps

Automate a CI/CD Process using Microsoft Azure DevOps

The CI/CD allows you to process or automate everything like build, test, and deploy our applications. CI stands for Continuous Integration (CI), it will trigger based on developer pushed their changes into our Azure repository, the CI portion builds our code and test it. If the code is successfully checked in, it will be moved to(deploy) our pre-prod or production environments using our CD pipeline. 

Stage 1: Login into 

Stage2: Create an Organization in Azure DevOps, the name should be unique...


Create an Organization

Stage 3: Create a New Project

Create a New Project


Enter Project Name, Choose Public or Private, and then click the "create” button.

Stage 4: Go to the Pipelines section and Create a new pipeline


Create a new pipeline


Stage 5: Select Your Source Code 


Select Your Source Code

Stage 6: Choose an Empty job


Choose an Empty job

Stage 7: In this Pipeline, we are using the angular application, so that we need to add some of the tasks to be implemented on this one.

Task 1: Install node.js latest version


Install node.js latest version


Task 2: Install Angular CLI


Task 3: Install npm

 Install npm


Task 4: Build the Source Code

Build the Source Code

Task 5: copy files over SSH

copy files over SSH

Then Save and Queue…

See the Build Job Status as shown below…

See the Build Job Status as shown below…


Stage 8: For Continuous Integration Purpose, choose to enable the option.


Integration Purpose, choose to enable the option